Simply put: FaithDefense follows the classical model of apologetics. We affirm:
The Rules of Logic
These are universally applicable though not everyone may know these rules (ignorance) nor follow them (fallacy), but such cases are abuses of logic, not exclusions.
Truth is Knowable
Human beings share contact with a universal reality by which we can test the validity of any claim. People who are out of touch with reality are usually diagnosed with some sort of disorder and are medically and psychologically treated for the condition. Assuming a person functions as a person normally should, then each person may access the same reality.
Truth is Objective
If truth exists, which we believe it does, then it exists universally for everyone. Any denial of this is self-contradictory and/or a misunderstanding of the concept and nature of truth. To challenge the objectivity of truth is to require someone else to understand you objectively or subjectively. We want people to understand what we say, not just what they think we say.
Theistic Arguments are Valid
We don’t claim that anyone can prove God exists through mathematical certainty, but we at least say that God’s existence is rationally acceptable and verifiable when all evidence is logically and consistently considered.
Arguments Don’t Save Souls
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way a person can be saved from the ultimate penalty of his or her sin. But arguments can lead the way and clear the path to the gospel. Arguments are critical, but not necessary for salvation. And even when a person agrees with the arguments and believes that the gospel is true, it is of no effect until that person believes in faith in the gospel. There is no other way.
All Truth is God’s Truth
Truth is true wherever it occurs. All religions contain truth of God, but not all religions worship the one true God. In other words, other religions are not completely in error, but they make a critical error. Nor does this mean that the truth found in other religions justifies the religion as a whole in the same way that the errors of Christians nullify the whole of Christianity.
Faith and Reason are Cooperative
The heart cannot accept what the mind rejects. The intellectual accent of the mind has little value with a heart that is far from God. Therefore, faith and reason work together. Faith is not accepting what the mind rejects. This is a personal civil war. Nor does reason alone bring salvation as even the demons know even better the reality of God. But when faith and reason are coupled, a person’s heart, mind, and soul follow after God.
Evidence Supports Christianity
Brute facts are not mute facts. Evidence is not bound to the worldview or perspectival because such a view in itself is worldview bound and perspectival making it self-contradictory. Worldviews do affect the the way one views evidence, but this is why people need 1. the correct view of the world, and 2. the chance to process evidence and see that some evidence simply does not fit their worlview which casts doubt upon their worldview.
Miracles are Historically Verifiable
Defining miracles as impossible is begging the question. If miracles are part of reality and happened in reality, then like other events, they can be verified as actual events. These miracles are then useful for the case of Christianity, for if Christianity is a religion that claims God has spoken, then God would offer miracles to confirm his message.
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